The high school varsity dive season has started up once again. The first day of try-outs were yesterday. As good as our boys and girls teams were last year, I am humbled and excited to think that this year the team could be even stronger. The energy from the divers was palpable. It is now my job to motivate, challenge and inspire them to be as great as I know they can be.
The RJ TENNIS BOOT CAMP® program is no different. For the entire month of October I have been working with this one class every week. I was relentless with them. I didn’t cut them any slack. I wasn’t going to allow them to go through the motions and pretend that they were trying to improve. If I am coaching a class, I expect nothing but the best from everyone in the group. I know how to make it happen. Last night’s class was phenomenal. Each person in the group was hitting better than ever! They could see it with their own eyes! The points were fun, engaging and dynamic. I was thrilled and proud of them.
There is something different about the RJT™ program. I have 4.5 clients emailing me telling me that they need to get ready for Nationals and see if they can get into any the RJT™ classes.
If you have never done the classes or if you haven’t done the classes in awhile, come and give the program a try. The RJ TENNIS BOOT CAMP® program has grown and changed quite a bit over the years. I have had clients, who did the classes years ago, recently come back only to discover that the program has passed them by. They were struggling to keep up.
Winning 19 Virginia High School State Dive Team Championships and 17 NVSL Division One Dive Team Championships and having the #1 All American High School diver in the country, doesn’t just happen. Also, building an exciting and highly energized tennis program doesn’t just happen. It’s about growing and changing and always striving to improve. If you want to learn the game or seriously improve your tennis game, please come and see what the RJ TENNIS BOOT CAMP® program is all about.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you,
Rob the tennis coach
Director of Adult Tennis @ The Four Seasons Tennis Club
Copyright © 2017 Rob Carvajal, Jr./RJ TENNIS LLC® All Rights Reserved