It has been great getting back on the tennis courts coaching the RJT clinics. I recognize that the RJ TENNIS BOOT CAMP is a different kind of experience. Many programs have coaches imploring you to “just keep that ball in play.” To what end? So your opponent can hit the winner?
When the RJT coaches tell you to, “HIT THAT BALL!,” we never imply for you to be sloppy and nor are we implying that every shot must be a winner. What we’re telling you is that we recognized that you did just enough to get the tennis ball over the net and nothing more. You have so much more untapped potential to draw upon. The RJT coaches are trying to encourage you to get you to see yourselves beyond your perceived limitations. To do so, you must learn to bring the intensity to your efforts.
I recognize you have busy work and family schedules. Therefore, you may not have a lot of time to practice or play tennis. If your only weekly tennis experience is the RJT BOOT CAMP, then why not strive to make it the best tennis experience possible?! Doing so requires that you commit to giving of your best efforts and intensity on every shot. Just going through the motions with perfunctory efforts isn’t going to get you any closer to being Roger Federer or Serena Williams. Yes, you’re going to make mistakes, but everyone is. So don’t let that stop you from doing what we know you can do. Lose the fear and, “JUST HIT THAT BALL!,” and watch your tennis game seriously improve!
This reminds me of when I take my dog, RJ, out for a walk. There is a bike path through the field and woods that we walk on. Of course, I stay on the bike path, but RJ goes running, sprinting and jumping, with great alacrity, through the tall grass, up and down the hills, around the bushes and trees. Then he returns by my side with what looks to be a smile upon his face. I smile and laugh at the beauty of it all. There, in his free flowing run, he reminds me to not be content with just getting that tennis ball back into play, but to get out there and live and experience life.
On a different note, to follow up on the last e-mail, I am collecting names for any 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 women and 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 men players who want to participate in the Home Court Tennis League. This is Ingrid Clark’s league.
Please remember that RJ Tennis has no affiliation with the HCTL nor the USTA leagues. Please note that RJ Tennis receives no money from the HCTL or the USTA leagues for its participation in either league. I work to put teams together strictly as a service to you in providing you opportunities to play competitive tennis.
There is a HCTL $15 per person per match fee per match played and a one time $6 league fee. This is strictly a doubles league. Please let me know if you’re interested in playing. The season will be starting at the beginning of October.