Season’s Greetings To You and Yours!

Posted by December 19, 2018 Uncategorized No Comments

I have been trying to find a picture of what my home used to look like at Christmas time before I married Wendy. I had the ultimate Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Actually, Charlie Brown’s tree was better.

When Wendy moved from her home to mine just over five years ago, I remember the moving truck pulling up. And then, I remember seeing all the holiday decorations being carried in. Not just for Christmas, but for every holiday in between. Life, it was clear, was going to be a continual celebration.

Wendy began decorating our home for the Christmas holiday by bringing her ever-growing vision to life. I would tell her how beautiful the Christmas tree was. I would think, surely she is done. What more could she possibly do?

Who was I kidding.

She quietly and joyfully worked on making our home festive and fun with whatever theme she had chosen. I looked around and saw how she was able to bring life to all parts of our home. I remember Alexandra and Christina, our daughters, coming home last Christmas, heading upstairs to see a bedroom filled with lights, bells, balls, boughs and bows, ribbons, candy and candles. Their mom, as they’ve always known her. Someone who celebrates life.

Looking around at the magical transformation (pictured below) inspired me to reflect. As I walked around to take everything in I quietly thought, this beautiful transformation is exactly what has happened to my life.  Being married to Wendy has brought love, joy, life, laughter, color, animation, awe and wonder to all facets of my life. And her love of Bernese Mountain dogs has become fully mine as well. I am completely humbled and blessed.

So I appreciate you humoring me as I share these pictures in my moment of reflection during this season of Joy and gladness.

Wendy and I, and our Bernese Mountain Dogs, RJ, Marcus and Charlotte, would like to wish you and yours a blessed Christmas and happy and healthy holiday season.

With gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to serve you.

Wishing you joy and happiness. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Rob the tennis coach, dive coach and life coach

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