Recently, I a client approached me and told me that he had lost 35 pounds. I told him he looked great and that I could clearly see that the weight had come off from when he first started. He replied, “All I have done is that I have made sure to do the agility ladders every single time you had them out. I have never walked by one ladder and I still don’t to this day. I have pushed myself to make certain I work my way through those ladders. Then during the drills, I make certain to keep my feet moving. Doing RJT has been better than going to the gym!” Not only does this RJT Client look leaner and fit, his tennis game has taken off.
Whatever your objectives are for this summer, let RJ TENNIS BOOT CAMP® make that happen for you. The whole mindset of the RJT BOOT CAMP is to strive to live your best life. Don’t be afraid to try to play/live your best life!
Rob the tennis, dive and life coach